Senin, 05 Mei 2014

4 Tips on Choosing the Right High Heels

Bukan Penipu - To look good and beautiful is one thing that noticed by women. They are also very concerned about her posture. In order to look taller and commercialize their body stood at attention seeking in various ways. Including air-wearing high-heeled shoes or commonly known as high heels.

By supporting performances are willing to wear narrow shoes with a higher heel. All that is done for the sake of their appearance very WAW aka look more dazzling. but unfortunately can not use high heels. New high heel shoes the minute they've complained of pain, then a 5 step already off balance, his legs already fitted in the open blisters.

High heels are not made to suit the needs of functional yet made to make your legs seemingly more level and make you look taller.

But you do not need to worry because there can outsmart by choosing high heels are a little more comfortable. Well here are tips on choosing comfortable high heels in your feet as reported

high heels

1. The first thing to look at is that there should be pay attention to the position of high heels under your heel is. You can see it with a mirror prism. You have to make sure that although the high heels are right in the middle of the heel of your foot. If it is too advanced or at the end of your heel then it can cause you to easily slip.

2. Then choose a shoe that is slightly thicker front. It is intended that you do not feel like I'm on tiptoes while wearing high heels. if the front is too thin and pointy definitely times you will suffer and might you will feel your leg cramps.

3. Besides choosing the heels thicker front, you also need to pay attention to the diameter of the right heelsnya. Because of the wider diameter of the heels of the high heels more comfortable to use, and you also do not have to worry about slipping. Well, if you are astute use of high heels, then you use a small berdiameternya heels. All that's up to you. If you want the diameter of a pencil go ahead.

4. Choose heels that are not easily played. sure you will be embarrassed when you walk out of the blue heels you are using the space. Well, should you choose to have high heels ankle strap.

Well, so are four tips on choosing the right hight heels and of course comfortable when worn.

Baca : tips memilih high heels yang tepat.

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